
The Bauhaus movement, which emerged in the early 20th century, revolutionised the world of design, architecture, and art. Its principles of simplicity, functionality, and the elimination of unnecessary ornamentation had a profound impact on various creative disciplines. One unexpected area where the influence of Bauhaus can be seen is in the colour scheme of LEGO, the iconic toy brand that has captured the imaginations of millions of children and adults worldwide. In this blog post, we will explore how Bauhaus inspired LEGO’s colour choices, resulting in a visually appealing and harmonious palette.

The Bauhaus Aesthetic:

The Bauhaus movement, founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius, aimed to unite art and industry. It emphasised the marriage of form and function, promoting the idea that design should serve a purpose while being visually pleasing. This philosophy also extended to the use of colour, where the focus was on simplicity, clarity, and the psychological effects of hues. The Bauhaus artists and designers believed that colours could evoke emotions and create harmony when used in a balanced and deliberate manner.

LEGO’s Color Palette:

LEGO, the Danish company known for its interlocking plastic bricks, has embraced the principles of Bauhaus in various aspects of its design, including its colour choices. LEGO’s colour palette primarily consists of bright, bold hues that catch the eye and evoke a sense of playfulness and creativity. The colours used in LEGO sets are carefully selected to enhance the building experience, stimulate imagination, and create visually appealing designs.

Primary Colours:

One of the fundamental principles of Bauhaus was the use of primary colours, and LEGO’s colour palette reflects this idea. Red, blue, and yellow, the three primary colours, are prominently featured in LEGO sets. These vibrant hues not only allow for endless creative combinations but also represent the essential building blocks of colour theory itself.

Simplicity and Contrast:

Bauhaus emphasised the use of strong contrasts to create visual impact and legibility. LEGO incorporates this principle by using contrasting colours in its designs. Black, white, and gray elements are often employed to provide a neutral backdrop and highlight the primary colours. The juxtaposition of light and dark tones adds depth and visual interest to LEGO creations, while maintaining a clean and minimalist aesthetic.

Color Psychology:

Bauhaus placed great importance on the psychological impact of colours. Similarly, LEGO understands the power of colours in evoking specific emotions and experiences. Warm colours like red and orange can symbolise energy and excitement, while cool colours like blue and green can represent calmness and tranquility. By incorporating a range of colours, LEGO encourages users to explore different moods and narratives within their creations.

Versatility and Accessibility:

The Bauhaus movement aimed to make design accessible to all, and LEGO shares a similar vision. LEGO’s colour palette is intentionally designed to be versatile, allowing builders of all ages and backgrounds to create their own unique designs. The simplicity and limited number of colours make it easier to mix and match pieces, fostering creativity and open-ended play.


The influence of the Bauhaus movement can be observed in numerous artistic and design realms, and LEGO’s colour scheme is a prime example. Through the use of primary colours, simplicity, contrast, and a deep understanding of colour psychology, LEGO creates a visually captivating and versatile palette that inspires builders of all ages. The marriage of Bauhaus principles and the playful nature of LEGO results in a harmonious colour scheme that continues to spark imagination and creativity in millions of people worldwide.